The Hindu

Chambal Diaries

The erstwhile haunt of dacoits and a location that has inspired several Bollywood flicks, Chambal is a smorgasbord of experiences that includes wildlife, heritage and spirituality. As our car whizzed past the deep ravines of Chambal, the group I was travelling with had one question for our driver all centered around the infamous dacoits of… Read More Chambal Diaries

Deccan Chronicle

Kumbh Kaleidoscope

Kumbh Kaleidoscope A visit to the Kumbh Mela is a sensory experience like no other and is an absolutely must do at least once in a lifetime. “Kumbh Mele Mein Bichadgaye’ that loosely translates to ‘getting lost in the Kumbh mela’ is a metaphor that we have all grown up with thanks to Bollywood’s most… Read More Kumbh Kaleidoscope

Discover India

Lucknow Diaries

Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh is a potpourri of old and new where traditions and modernity mingle in a way that you have a unique experience of the past in these modern times. As I drew open the curtains of the window in my hotel room, I was amazed at the sight that… Read More Lucknow Diaries


Varanasi Vignettes

The last couple of weeks were hectic as I was travelling up North. Interestingly I went to Varanasi (or Beneras or Kashi) for the second time as part of the UP Travel Writer’s Conclave 2016 (in its second year). I also went to an art fair Chitrashaala where I met among other artists Sailesh Sanghvi who… Read More Varanasi Vignettes