Intravenous or IV Drips are being touted as the new mantra for flawless and smooth skin but is it worth the hype?
Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy (also known as intravenous micronutrient therapy and hydration therapy) drip therapy is a way to administer optimal vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream. This allows rapid absorption of the nutrients and gives quick and sustained results.
Most commonly antioxidants like glutathione, Vit C, Micronutrients, N- acetyl cysteine, Vit B12 are given in a dose modulated pattern. These reduce inflammation in the body and allow a glow in the skin which is visible and lasts for sometime. It also gives a sense of well being and health.
Infusion of micronutrients which are otherwise difficult to get from a normal diet definitely will help to replenish diminishing stocks. Always get infusions done in a hospital setting . Reactions to drips – though rare , is a parameter that has to be kept in mind. The best place to get the drips therefore would be in a hospital where any side effects can be treated swiftly.
It is best to consult your dermatologist to decide which iv solution is best suited for you. Antioxidants or vit B12 will be decided after having a look at the basic tests. If there are deficiencies, the dose will then be calculated.
Drip therapy is a recent fad. But doctors have been infusing patients with nutritional deficiencies since eons ago. Drip therapy attempts to combine the best of micronutrients which will give the patient visible increase in energy levels and a glowing skin. As Oscar Wilde famously said: “Everything in moderation, including moderation.”
Read the full story that first appeared in Style Speak April 2023 issue here:
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