A stay at Noor Mahal hotel in Karnal is guaranteed to make you feel like royalty courtesy its overall décor that is as luxurious as it is comfortable.
A three hour drive from Delhi crossing several industrial hubs and plenty of farmlands brings me to the grand entrance of Noor Mahal. Located slightly off the main city, my initial impressions are that it looks like a grand palace. And once I enter, this thought is further amplified as I am in a large reception space that looks straight out of a palace. The walls are dotted with exquisite paintings and local tikri art work, there are huge doors and mirrors that adorn the walls and all the seating is large and furnished with rich fabrics. Welcomed with a traditional garland and an aarti, with live musicians performing, I am given a choice of two welcome drinks before I am led to my room.
Read my full review of this property that was first published on Luxury Lifestyle Magazine UK here:

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