
Butterfly Pea Flower

Butterfly Pea Flower is becoming the go to ingredient of choice for chefs as they discover the ingredient is as good to taste as stunning as it looks. Childhood memories always involve a warm sense of nostalgia and one such memory is my garden in the home I grew up in a quiet neighbourhood in… Read More Butterfly Pea Flower

Spice Route

Red Chilli as a Spice

What is common to the words Bhut Jalokia, Byadgi, Bird eye, Mundu, Kashmiri, Jwala, Guntur, and Kanthari? Well, these are varieties of red chilli – the spice you may love or hate but can never ignore. Variants Galore There is an amazing variety of red chillies available in the country and their taste and spice… Read More Red Chilli as a Spice