A Green Life

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Making sustainable choices can be easier than you think it is just about making ethical decisions that will augur well for you and for the planet.

If you want to be an advocate for sustainability but are not sure how you can make eco-friendly choices and lead an environmentally conscious lifestyle, here is your definitive guide to go green.

Clean Eating
Clean Eating

Mindful Eating Mindful eating involves attentiveness to the body’s needs and embraces sustainable food choices, fostering a journey that extends benefits to the environment.

Clean Food Embracing sustainability in our daily lives encompasses a spectrum of practices, from the simple act of carrying a reusable water bottle to conscientiously rejecting plastic in all its forms.

Reduce & Recycle If you cannot store, share with the underprivileged people out there. Practice composting both at home and office and use it to grow your own minimal veggies.

Mindful living spaces
Mindful living spaces

Water Wise Minimising waste, optimizing consumption, and integrating innovative technologies are some of the immediate measures one can adopt in daily life for water consumption.

Use non-VOC Paints Your home is your sanctuary and the basic aspect of using non-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) is something that you can overlook.

Read the full story that first appeared in Our Bangalore dated Dec 1-8 here:

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