Hair Masks in the searing summers can help protect your hair from damage as well as nourish and enhance it.
The heat, the dirt and all products that we use to style our hair can be very damaging and to treat them, we require something more nourishing than just conditioners. Hair masks are the key product to this problem.
A hair mask is a super-powered conditioner. It works very similar to that as a conditioner but with added benefits, designed to be more intense and more nourishing. Hair masks provide extra nourishment to your hair. Hair masks can provide dramatic results in the shine and strength department. Hair masks can repair dryness and stop your hair from turning frizzy. Additionally, they can prevent further damage.
What is the right way to use hair masks?
First step is to always wash your hair thoroughly. By thoroughly, it doesn’t mean vigorously but it means to wash your hair twice. Once to remove the debris and the second time to cleanse deeply.
Next up, you condition your hair like you usually do. You only need to leave in the conditioner for about 2-3 minutes and rinse.
You can then apply your hair mask and wait three to five minutes for it to start working. You can leave your mask on as long as fifteen to twenty minutes if you want extra benefits or have really dry and frizzy hair.
Rinse your hair, making sure to remove excess product. Towel dry your hair before you dry with a hairdryer or heat style it. Also, apply a little Argan oil to the ends to give it a shinier look.
Read the full story that first appeared in Deccan Chronicle dated May 6, 2022 here:
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