Nirupama Subramanian, best-selling author, Leadership coach and facilitator, co-founder of GLOW-Growing Leadership of Women, and Founder of Powerfulife Solution.
Nirupama Subramanian has also recently released her second book, ‘Powerful-The Indian Woman’s guide to unlocking her full potential’, that helps women grow personally and professionally.
For someone who was always an academically oriented achiever in school and college, Subramanian grew up in Delhi and Chennai. She enjoyed participating in extra-curricular activities like debates, theater, essay, and creative writing.
She set up her own practice in 2009 as a Leadership Development facilitator and was selected by Mckinsey to be a part of the first cohort of external facilitators in India which gave her a great exposure to leadership development and personal transformation.
While her first novel ‘Keep the Change’ was a fun lighthearted read inspired by some of her own experiences as a young woman trying to make it in a foreign bank, her second novel ‘Intermission’, published in 2012 was set in Gurgaon where she currently lives.
Her current plan is to focus on building the Powerfulife system into a scalable compelling offering for women.
Read the full story that first appeared in Seema Magazine here:
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