Racha Haffar tells her about how she overcame odds to become the woman she is and why financial education is important.
Born and raised in Syria, her family moved to Montreal in 1988 and her father recognized her skills and gave her responsibilities that groomed her. After doing her Bachelor of Science in Economics, she married, she moved to Atlanta and started her family there. A mother of two boys, she credits her supportive husband, who encouraged her to do her MBA in Georgia State University. After that the family moved to Dubai and Racha went back to finish the rest of the courses of her MBA.
Woman empowerment, volunteering work, and education are three aspects that have been her passion and something that comes to her intuitively.
She has designed one on one training programs that will help them in business whether it is about using Excel sheets, online banking, cybersecurity, how to keep your account safe, how to negotiate any financial support from the bank. The best part is that these are all designed simplistically, and she got the opportunity to work with the UNDP United Nations Development Program where she could demonstrate these skills. She has almost finished her PhD that she hopes to wrap up in a few weeks and her dissertation revolves around women empowerment through digital financial knowledge and she is also focusing on leadership skills.
Read the full story that first appeared in Aspire Magazine’s March 2022 issue here:

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