Workout Timetable

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A Workout Timetable is a personalized schedule that outlines specific exercises, their durations, intensity, and rest periods for each training session over a period of time. Workout Timetables are specific to individual goals and are mostly designed around every individual’s fitness goals, current physical stats, lifestyle, workout preferences, etc. It acts as a roadmap guiding you through your fitness journey and ensuring that you cover all necessary areas of your fitness goals viz. strength training, cardio, flexibility sessions, etc.

Having a workout timetable is much like having a structured plan in place, that helps them understand what workout to do today, stick to their routine, and reduce chances of skipping their workouts due to indecision or lack of motivation. It is one of the most important things you can have to maintain discipline and consistency in your daily fitness journey. And yes, it does make a difference in reality.

If you’re not exercising at all, a perfect and intense timetable won’t work at the start.  For instance, achieving 108 Surya Namaskar in the first month won’t work. You can try modifying it for yourself. Try something doable, like increasing your step count gradually from 5000 to 10,000 steps in a month based on your current level. This goal is achievable and because we are tracking our progress, it will also give us the gratification we need for our efforts. I always recommend focusing on consistency more than what, how long, or how hard you work out. Just show up and get something done!

Mix up exercises for different body parts with a combination of strength, flexibility, and cardio to keep workouts enjoyable and avoid monotony.  Flexibility in practice keeps us motivated.

Most importantly, listen to your body; change your plan if needed. If you’re tired and your timetable says intense cardio or power yoga, don’t worry! The workout timetable is your tool and you can change it up for your convenience.

A workout timetable can enhance your workout but it is not necessary initially in your fitness journey. You can dig it all up to see how much your workout timetable is working but it only works when you commit to showing up daily, regardless of the results. Measure your progress by the days you’ve invested, not just your weight. We should be gentle with ourselves because our goal is to make fitness a habit, for life.

A workout timetable, also known as a workout schedule or plan, is a strategic allocation of time dedicated to fitness activities. It is a personalized plan crafted around an individual’s feasibility, daily timetable, and time allowances in terms of hours. The lack of awareness often hinders the formulation and adherence to such timetables.

To make a workout timetable effective, it’s crucial to consider your personal preferences, lifestyle, and fitness goals. Tailor the timetable to suit your daily routine, ensuring it’s realistic and achievable. Incorporate a variety of workouts to keep things interesting and address different aspects of fitness. Additionally, be flexible and open to adjustments, so keep some space for adaptability in your timetable, that’ll allow you to navigate unexpected changes without derailing your entire fitness plan.

A workout timetable is the most effective when it is designed keeping in mind individual needs, commitment, strengths and weaknesses, preferences, and how consistent one can be. There is no point in having a 7-day workout timetable for a person who just wants to run thrice a week. A personalized approach to understanding individual needs and linking them with their fitness goals is key to making the workout timetable effective.

Workout Timetable is surely a custom-made plan to help you complete your workout sessions daily without giving too much thought. But it’s not something that you can prepare on your own. A lot of knowledge and understanding goes into designing a dedicated and effective workout timetable. And hence, it’s important that you take the help of a fitness coach to make it for you! With their expertise and knowledge, a fitness coach is able to look into the finer aspects of the timetable and draft it with precision so you can achieve your fitness goals without any hurdles.

One should also note that a workout timetable is no magic formula. It’s just a workout plan outlining what needs to be done and becomes effective only when you choose to follow it with utter dedication and consistency.

Read the full story that first appeared in Deccan Chronicle dated April 30, 2024 here:

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