A free-flowing river whose course has never been altered by manual intervention and in its path lies stories of life and hope.
Aghanashini is a small village on the southern bank of Aghanashini River in Kumta taluka of Uttar Kannada district in Karnataka. Shankara Honda in Sirsi, a small village set amidst the UNESCO World Heritage Center of the Western Ghats and most importantly believed to be the birthplace of the lifeline of the region the river Aghanashini.

The other place where the river is believed to have originated is Manjuguni, a small hamlet in Ankola district of Karnataka. What makes this river unique is that its 124 km long course has remained unchanged from its origin as there have been no dams constructed in its path. The river traverses a unique trajectory through stunning mountains, waterfalls, verdant valleys and stunning landscapes before finally merging into the Arabian Sea.
Read the fascinating story of the river and its course in the full story that first appeared on Passion Passport here:

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