Rumale Art House

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The Rumale Art House is a one of its kind space that pays a fitting tribute to artist Rumale Chennabasaviah.

Located in the leafy neighbourhood of Rajajinagar in Bangalore, the Rumale Art House is an artistic ode to the city’s beautiful floral blooms. Established by Rumale Chennabasaviah in 1973, it tells a unique story of an artist who was so much more than just that.

It was in 1962, when he was 52 years old, that he gave it all up to plunge full time into his first love, art. One of the first spaces you must visit in the small gallery is the room that has a small pooja space and is covered with images of his spiritual paintings. Rumale had two gurus Shreeman Tapaswiji Maharaj and Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj whose paintings occupy center stage here.

Step out of this room and you will see a set of paintings that are all about a burst of colour as they depict the flowering trees and landscape of Bangalore. For someone who was inspired by nature, he would often visit parks to see the trees bloom in their full flowering glory and replicated that in his work.

Using water colours and oil colours, Rumale has created some excellent artwork as an ode to the city he lived in.

A visit to the gallery is not just a great way to come up close with Rumale’s works but also appreciate Bangalore from the days of yore. Importantly, it tells you why the city must keep its green spaces – after all, Bangalore is the Garden City with good reason.

Read the full story that first appeared in Our Bangalore dated July 13-Jul 19, 2024 here:

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