Money Control

World Food Safety Day 2023

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World Food Safety Day is celebrated every year on June 7. This year the theme this year is ‘Food Standards Save Lives’ and it is time to shine the spotlight on food.

The 2023 year’s theme for World Food Safety Day is the “Food Standards Save Lives” theme that shows how important food safety is for protecting public health and making food systems more sustainable. It is also a day that emphasises how countries need to adopt and follow food standards to make sure that food is safe and of good quality. Lets understand food safety first: It refers to the steps that are taken to make sure that food is safe to eat and free of harmful contaminants like, bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins, and chemicals that could make one sick. It includes every part of the food supply chain, from growing and preparing the food to distributing and eating it. While our country is big and has a diverse population with different eating habits and tastes, there are few limitations in putting food safety first as listed below:

1. Hygiene considered as expenditure: Food safety is still considered as an expenditure not an investment.

2. Limited Infrastructure: India’s infrastructure for food safety is still being built up, and many food businesses don’t have the tools and resources they need to follow.

3. Poor hygiene practices: If food is made, processed, or handled in a way that isn’t clean, it can get contaminated, which can make it more likely that people will get sick from eating it.

4. Pesticide residues: Pesticides are often used in farmland in India, and if there aren’t enough checks and balances in place, harmful pesticide residues are left in food.

5. Adulteration: In India, it is common for cheap or dangerous substances to be added to food items, which can be very bad for people’s health.

To deal with these problems, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) sets up standards for food products, regulates companies and makes sure that laws and rules about food safety are followed. The FSSAI also works to make people more aware of food safety and get both customers and food businesses to follow good food safety practices.

There have been recent advances towards food safety, i.e.,

1. Rapid detection and DNA sequencing techniques that can swiftly and accurately identify foodborne pathogens and pollutants.

2. Blockchain: The food industry is increasingly using blockchain technology to increase food supply chain traceability and transparency. This can trace food from farm to fork and identify contamination sources.

3. Emerging foodborne infections like Cyclospora and Vibrio parahaemolyticus have created new food safety issues. To understand and control these infections, research continues.

4. Regulations and standards: The United States has implemented the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and new safety regulations have been introduced by the EU .

But, of course it is the consumer that has to be extremely vigilant and can take good measures like.,

1. Buy from reputable sources and read food labels. The labels should list the chemicals, the amount of nutrients, and any possible allergens

2. Look for quality seals & check the expiration dates.

3. Consumers should follow good food handling practices, such as washing their hands before making or eating food, storing food at the right temperature, and avoiding cross-contamination between different food products.

4. Consumers should let the FSSAI or their local food safety department know about any worries they have about the safety or quality of food items.

Read the full story that first appeared in Money Control here:

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