Bamboo is a great way to elevate home decor and make a compelling statement for interiors.
Bamboo brings in a natural earthy vibe to a space, so when working with bamboo in décor, make sure the other elements are complimentary to it to give an over all breezy natural character to the space.
Bamboo makes for a versatile raw material that can be used to create an array of home décor products from accessories, furniture to tableware. It helps enhance any simple setting with its timeless appeal.
Bamboo is one of the most sustainable alternatives available out there. It converts large amounts of CO2 to produce more oxygen than other plants, they don’t need any pesticides & regenerate by themselves without the need to be replanted, and also bamboo forests can grow fully in 3-5 years when other trees take decades.
Traditional bamboo craft is today making for an alternative source of livelihood for rural women artisans.
Read the full story that first appeared on Zee Zest here:
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