The TAF Svasti Spa at Cheetahgarh Resorts & Spa in Bera, Jawai Rajasthan, is all about enjoying a break in the wild with a dash of relaxation.
Karan Bakshi, General Manager, WH Cheetahgarh Resort & Spa says, “the spa is from a Delhi based organisation that is into wellness and whoever we recruit in the spa is sent for training at this centre for two weeks. Training is also done every month. Every quarter the spa manager comes to the resort and does refresher training as well. Based on feedback from guests also we create training needs for the therapists.” The spa uses products from brands like Forest Essentials, Kama Ayurveda as well. The theme of the spa is in line with the colours of the rocky terrain of the Jawai Region. Keeping the colours light and relaxing. “The entire property uses a theme that matches the terrain and the focus is to use the same earthy tones and we are inspired by the shades of the granite so that we blend in instead of standing out. We followed this same theme in the spa as well as we wanted to have the same kind of neutral colour palette.”
You can read more about Cheetagarh here and Jawai here.
Read the full story that first appeared in Style Speak’s July 2023 issue here:
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