Sundar Nathan has been passionate about mythology and storytelling since he was a boy when his grandmother Namagiri and his mother Saroja regaled him with tales from the great Indian epics – The Ramayana & the Mahabharata. Sundar was an engineer, product marketing leader, and entrepreneur in the software industry.
While pursuing a successful career in Silicon Valley, Sundar embarked on a seven-year journey culminating in his first mythological thriller – Ravan’s Trial.
Sundar teaches at the University of Texas at Austin as he crafts his next books in ‘The Naraka Cycle’ series – ‘Demons & Their Gods’ and ‘Prince of Naraka’. The entire series will comprise nine books, with the following books being released every quarter starting March 2024.
He will be continuing to expand The Naraka Cycle series, diving deeper into the mythological worlds and characters that keep him fascinated. He aims to understand and leverage new narratives that make a reader think from different perspectives. Also, he hopes to expand his teaching activities, helping the next generation of storytellers and thinkers to shape their conduct better.
Read the full story that first appeared in Global Indian here:

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